Monday, August 3, 2009

My Mother And Other Monsters...

*peers around cautiously* Man, I haven't been here in a while *blows away dust* Here, that bett- OH GOD THE SPIDERS!!!

Haha, no.

I just needed a little time off - I was notoriously uninspired, and suffering a cliched bout of teenage angst (for which you will excuse me - it is rather expected of one, and I am nothing if not curtious in obliging). I'm okay, and I'm going to launch myself back into blogging more regularly - I find writing theraputic, and besides, I may as well do something with all my free time!

It's intriguing to me now that I had such difficulty writing - everything that surrounds me seems suddenly so unique, and inspiring that I am amazed I didn't notice it before. Seguing back to our title, in fact, the source of today's blog is my mother.

My mother is a thoroughly remarkable woman, and undoubtably one of the strangest, quirkiest, and hilarious person I know.

My favorite anecdote about her involves a trip to the Comedy Festival some years ago (I believe we were seeing Adam Hills). Waiting outside the venue, tossled back-and-forth by other members of the public, eager to get inside, my younger brother asked, innocently, "Mum, is this stand up comedy?". Completely dead-pan, and vaguely, as if she hadn't really heard, she responded "No dear, we get seats".

It was brilliant. The timing, and the delivery were just exceptional, and I've been trying to emulate them to this day.

So, class, today's lesson is that inspiration can be found everywhere, and that I'm back, baby!

Au Revior,


Katie said...

Your mum sounds kinda awesome. :) I hope you continue to update here - I like your style of writing.

Nick said...

Thank you! ^-^