Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Things (Stuff, If You Will)...

As I write this, I'm watching "Eli Stone". I don't know why, I can't connect with any of the characters, and I think the premise is insane, but so what, I'm doing it anyway.

The opener to this post proves two things, which will form the body of the day:
1) I watch a fair amount of television.
2) I'm becoming a creature of impulse (the more important of the two).

Let us deal with these numerically, as is our traditional method.

I watch a fair amount of television. Why? Perhaps it's my intense frustration with the real world - absence of employment, lack of challenge in my course work, only being able to see my absolutely incredible girlfriend once a week - that lead me to seek the escape that the fantastical realm of television can provide*.

Maybe it's also that there really are a lot of good shows on at the moment!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boredom - Look What It's Done To Me...

I'm blogging from the back of a class. I also just updated my Dailybooth from the back of class. The teacher DOES NOT CARE that I am doing these things. Perhaps she wants out as well...

Had a meeting with the student counsellor today. This name is true in both senses; firstly, she counsels students, secondly, she herself is a counseling student.

While some may be worried that a lack of years of experience may hinder the effectiveness of such an endeavor, I personally am grateful for it. Two reasons; firstly, she isn't jaded by years of dealing with people far off the mental rail, or walking cliches, and secondly, she managed to notice almost immediately that I clearly have problems - something which took my previous consult some time!

I was there primarily to discuss my almost total apathy and condescending attitude towards my current course of study - to put simply, me big time bored. This does not appear something which is going to change in the foreseeable future.

Also, the narcissism and sociopathy, but mostly the apathy.

I'm not sure how I feel about this process, but I think it contributes something to the rich and beautiful tapestry that is Nick Jones. An air of mystique, perhaps? A pseudo-intellectual acceptance of my own shortcomings? An extended conglomerate of quasi-pretentious, multi-syllabic drivel? All quite possible...

Other than that, today is good because I managed to get free food. The SSAA were giving out pizza, and I had coupons for food at Grill'd.

Funny how the highlight of my day so far has been food...

Au Revoir.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Amuse Me...

Wow - so my weekend has gone from super-mega-busy-but-still-kinda-cool awesome to "can I have another bath?" "no, you've already had three. Do some knitting" boredom.

Friday was good. Friday I went around to Bethany's and we made cupcakes for Paddy's 18th that night which James, drunkenly, proclaimed were "fucking delicious...where'd they all gooooooooo?"

To answer that question: he had eaten them.

Maybe it was the fact that I was doing it with my fantastic girlfriend [editorial note: heh. I didn't mean for it to sound like that, if I did, I would have used quotation marks] but making the cupcakes filled me with a joy I haven't felt since I was small - a wonderful, giggly happiness. And I got to eat some of the leftover cakemix/frosting, which was awesome.

Friday night was, as stated, Paddy's 18th. There was music (thank you Tom) and dancing and much merriment. And Bethany got to meet Charlie IRL, which was kind of funny from an outsider perspective.

I also managed to catch up with a couple of people I hadn't seen in a while, which was good.

I didn't get any sleep that night - a few of us staying over ended the evening watching "Karate Kid" - because I had to get home early so we could go to lunch with the Grandparents. Both seemed well, and happy, and I managed to get a few hours sleep in the car. I also picked up a couple of nice antique shot glasses at a store in Castlemaine, so it was a good day.

Right now, though, I'm lying on the couch, trying to entertain myself until 6:00, when I'm seeing "OSS 117" at James's. I'll probably go for a walk.

Catch, etc!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Quick Question...

So the new film is "Fast & Furious".

The first one was "The Fast & The Furious".

Then came "Too Fast, Too Furious", then "Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift".

Am I the only one hanging out for "Fucking Fast & Furious"?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ah, Fun...

So last night...yeah, I got drunk.

Normal people would be ashamed by this. But we looooooong ago established that I'm not normal. That said, I'd had a difficult evening, and I wanted to have me some fun, what with the giggling and the dancing. Yes, I enjoy myself when I drink. So let us continue.

Anywho, last night, during my extatical Twittering (oh yeah, I also use the internet - mostly Lolcatz), I made a promise (sort of) to Liv that I would read "Twilight" - I always promised myself that I would NEVER, EVER subject myself to that terrible teenage trash (booya!), and only went to see the movie because it could be seen as a compromise by my female friends, who went on, and on, and on about how dreamy Edward is, and how they wished they were Belle (if I got that wrong, it's because I REALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK!)...sorry, got a little distracted.

Anywho - don't like "Twilight". Although, that baseball scene with "Super Massive Blackhole" was pretty cool. And yet I promised to read it. Why was that?

Oh yeah - in exchange for reading the book, she'd do voices for all the characters. Now I think that's something we can all enjoy.

Cheery bye!

Friday, April 10, 2009

An Unexpected Occurance...

[The title refers to the updating to this blog, as opposed to something exciting and unexpected having occured. Sorry to give you false hope]

Friends of mine (okay, one) have been fully taken in by the concept of "Blog Every Day April" (in which they do as the name suggests, duh), which has lead to some fairly creative and unique posts, and also made me feel less ashamed that I am a stalker - if one places information in a way so readily available to all, then I don't have to spend my evenings hiding in dustbins, which is always a good thing.

Regular readers (if there are any of you!) will realise I'm joking. I don't spend my evenings in dustbins. I have far too much pride. Plus it's easier online.

Anyway, BEDA (as I understand the acronym to be) is partially the reason I write today. Many people are taking time out of their day to write something constructive, informative, and often entertaining about their lives - the least I can do is offer an "almost appology" where I don't actually say it.

Oh, while I'm referencing myself - I'm very impressed with the direction (US) "Life on Mars" has taken towards becoming it's own show. Well done!

Here's the life update you were all hanging out for (it's my blog, I'll write what I want to write, and you'll appreciate every nugget of wisdom, got it?):

I'm currently studying Bullshitology 101 (read "PR"), and loving every (well, figuratively) minute of it! PR is one of the few things that genuinely fills me with enthusiasm and eagerness (something I never thought I'd say about ANY form of learning), and am actually quite good at (one of my lecturers called me "a natural", although she may have meant to say "cynical bastard").

The other HUGE thing is my absolutely fantastic girlfriend Bethany, who I've now been with for three months - she makes me smile all the time (friends will be gasping at this point), and is unique, funny, and brilliantly creative. As well as being insanely HOT. Actually, I should have put this first because she is, without question, the single most important thing in my life.

I still live at home - many query why my quest for independence hasn't extended to my abode, and I tell them this: sometimes it's nice not to have to worry about big things, just crash into a bed with sheets someone has lovingly washed for you, and surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally.

To the more skeptical I say: " I have no money - are you offering to buy me a place?"

I haven't fixed my relationship with my step-mother, but I do get to see the kids, so really that situation is fine.

I've been finally getting enough sleep - I only have class three days a week, so there's time to catch up, should I miss any, and I usually drift off at a reasonable time. I finally feel less stressed, and more relaxed.

I haven't seen my shrink in a month, because I am too lazy to make an appointment, and the same effect can be gained by printing off pictures of people's faces, sticking them to a pillow, and beating the crap out of them (and you can do it in the privacy of your own home!)

I've eased up on junk food - mostly because I have very little money (which is as good a reason as any!), but also because I've found a place that does amazing quality (and quite healthy) pizzas for only $4 right next to campus.

I'm going to wrap up there, because I've probably rabbited on long enough, and you don't want to spend your entire lives drabbed in my frustratingly dull (lack of) exploits, and the Olympics is coming up in a couple of years and I do want to watch it.

So appologies for any mistakes (I'm writting on my iPod Touch from the safety of my bef), look for my coming in May (I have some stuff lined up) and the next drink's on me.
