Friday, May 15, 2009

#15 - And it's on time! *gasp*

The reason it's on time is because it's done at the back of my class on Friday, using the MUCH BETTER INTERNET.

Today I didn't wake up until 12, then I rode a bike to uni and was given a free pitcher of beer which, having consumed, I then proceeded to class.

I've managed to get away with slight inebriation for nearly two hours, and I think I can keep up the facade for the hour until this class ends.

So far in this lesson I have:
- isolated myself from females by calling "beauty products" "vanity products", and asking if anyone is really that vain.
- Twittered
- Youtubed
- watched BlogTv
- updated this blog
- eaten much chocolate and marshmallows
- avoided work
- admitted that I want to sell out to the "Dark Side"

Afterwards, I'm going to pedal home, get a nice glass of something expensive, and some foreign cheese, and curl up, protected from the cold and rain, to watch "Serenity". Yes, I finally found a copy of that film, and it was free.

I may also later watch "Castle". You may notice both of these have a common theme: Nathan Fillion. I am, quite probably, gay for him.

There we go - didn't expect me to admit I was gay for someone, did you?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

#14 - The Real Deal...

Ah. So as you may have guessed from my earlier comments, I'm quite unimpressed with the internet in our household. Which is why I didn't get to blog yesterday, much to my regret.

I had a weird dream last night - it was actually more like and advertisement. And I'll share it with you now:

All of the world's leaders are gathered in the Whitehouse for some reason - I'm not quite sure what, exactly, but it was clearly some sort of world peace conference, or that sort of thing.

Anyway, it's clearly going badly, but such is the nature of anything that involved Kim Jong Ill - he isn't dead, by the way.

Obama is holding his head in his hands, looking worried. Suddenly, a muscular security agent burst in through the door, and declares "We've got it, Mr. President!" He runs over to the desk, and holds out his hand. There's a pause. Then he dramatically opens it, revealing...

A container of Doritos Salsa.

Suddenly cages with dancing girls drop from the ceiling, and all the leaders start dancing. Obama turns to face me and says "It just ain't a party without Doritos and Salsa!"


#13 in the late afternoon of the 14th...

I hate my internet.


I am very, VERY angry with it right now.

I have sent it to its room, with no super.

Hopoefully, it will think about what it has done, and this will not have to happen again.

Real blog later.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

#12, Although It's On The 13th...

Okay, so I missed my deadline by half an hour. BIG. WOOP.

I'd like to blame my lateness on something justifiable, something that'll make you say, "That's okay, Nick - please take all the time you need."

As it is, I was watching a very enjoyable Tom Hanks on "Letterman". I'm not sure if that's justifiable, but it certainly was fun.

How was today?

Today was a mixture of the crushing low that usually comes with my continued existence in the meaningless scenario, and the high of my two hour radio slot.

I played a fairly good mixture of tunes, and also got in my first ever request. I figured out a system for doing requests, so I felt pretty good about that.

I also felt pretty good because I managed to get in a couple of glasses of very, VERY nice and EXPENSIVE bubbly.


Monday, May 11, 2009

#11 - I Think I've Figured It Out...

I think I've figured out the reason I've been so depressed recently:

My life, currently, has very few high points.

Let us take a normal day: I get up, I eat, I do work, I watch TV, I sleep. On some days, I'll have my course, but only three days a week. The other days will be doing "work" (and yes, I'm entitled to use the sarcastic quotation marks) for the course.

I usually do the work quite slowly - not, and I want to make this clear, NOT because it is in any way challenging, but because I really can't be fucked. It's insultingly easy.

I'm stuck in a rut, I'm going nowhere.

My week perks up on Saturdays, and for two hours every Tuesday (when I sit behind a microphone, saying whatever the fuck I want to say, and playing some kick-arse rock), but other than that, it's just the same tiresome, troublesome shit day in, day out.

I write this from one of my classes. Cath is a lovely person, and I could learn a lot from her, but I feel held back because I have a very select interest/though process which other do not share.


IN OTHER NEWS: I will soon be starting another blog - really just a collection of pieces of writing - called "Who Moved My Valium", a title which I stole from a fellow Twitterer. It's just another one of my attempts to releave the tedium. Hopefully it will be good, certainly it will be interesting...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

#10 - Meh...

I'd like to paraphrase parts of the Jonathan Coulton song "Big Bad World One" which perfectly sum up my feelings right now:

I quit.
I'm done.
I don't think it's gonna turn out okay.
It's no fair.
It's no fun.
Everytime it's gonna end the same way:
Me zero, big bad world one.

I feel so apa-bloody-thetic, and very depressed right now.

I need to write.

I need to sleep.

I need to drink to excess.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

#9 - ...And I Feel Fine!

Saw my girlfriend today.

And all is right in the world!

Friday, May 8, 2009

#8 - Day Off...

Sometimes you need to take some time out to do things you enjoy.

Today was one of those times.

But, to be completely and utterly honest with you, it just wasn't enough.

I'm tired, I just wanna see my girlfriend, watch some TV, and sleep. It's been an exhausting week, even though I haven't had much work.

Oh well.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

#7 - Irony...

What I have done today:

Achieve a mark of 100% on a Responsible Server of Alcohol Certificate.

What I have subsequently done:

Got drunk.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

#6 - Childish...

Sometimes, in moments of intense boredom, I'll try to break the silence by regressing to my childhood.

I have a little hand puppet that I'll talk to, and, thanks to the magic of ventriloquism, will talk back.

When I'm emotionally drained, I have a huge, pink piggy that I'll hug.

Other times, I'll just watch cartoons until I'm feeling better.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

#5 - Made Of Awesome (Musically!)...

So today was my first ever show for 3SSR.


I mean, oh my God, I had so much fun, I played some really good track, and I got some really positive feedback, both from those listening at home (or who follow me on Twitter) and those on campus who stopped by to give me a thumbs up. Big fun!

I need to work on my segueing a bit more - I was nervous, and I think it showed - but I managed to get a couple of good little liners in there, and some quick, cheeky gags, so I'm definitely off to a good start.

For those wondering what I'm babbling on about:

I host a show called "The Seeker" on 3SSR, every Tuesday from 12-2pm, go to and click "Tune in Live" link. I'm after the Uni's feminists - lovely girls - so it's usually a very relaxing/combative blasting of ROCK.

Monday, May 4, 2009

#4 - The Madness Continues...

So I was watching television-

Oh there's a real fucking surprise!

Who are you?

I'm you. Well, sort of. Not really. But kind of.

You're me?

Pretty much.

Right. Anyway - I was watching television-



Oh nothing.

No, no - you wanted to say something?

I was just going to point out that you watch, for someone who is in need of a job, and allegedly is studying, an incredible amount of television. Perhaps you could, you know, do something productive?

At quater to twelve at night?

Yeah, fair point. Alright. Are you going to tell them about the radio thing?

Oh yeah.

As I- Sorry, I'm still a little confused...

Yes it was you.

-Right. As I reminded myself (there has to be a word for that) I managed to score myself a two hour show on Swinburne's Student Radio from 12-2pm every Tuesday, doing whatever I want, and playing all my music. Which is sweet.

You can listen to me by going here and following the links.

Have I forgot anything?

No, that's it for now.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

#3 - My Day...

Today was a Sunday.

On Sunday, some people pray. Some, like my girlfriend, have OVERWHELMING AMOUNTS OF WORK, I MEAN, THANK GOD I'M OUT OF ALL THAT- ahem. Sorry, I got a little carried away there.

Some people achieve things.

I lay on my bed and watched cartoons on the 'net.

Later, I'll grab some cornchips, soft-drinks, and watch a movie. I'll do something meaningful tomorrow.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

#2 - Something Important To Me...

Ah-ha! You though I wasn't going to make it, BUT I DID! I should warn you though, since I need my beauty sleep, this is going to be spectacularly brief. I'll make it up to you sometime, okay? Sheesh.

I just spent an awesome day with my absolutely fantastic girlfriend, Bethany.

For once, a rare occurance - I had money! It feels good to have the freedom that money offers. I can see myself getting use to it. Now to work on getting some more money...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Blatantly Ripped-Off, But With Love...

A friend of mine and fellow blogger(I don't know why I'm being so mysterious and dramatic about it - in fact, in order to lessen any stress related to attempting to unveil the identity of this mysterious individual, I'll just tell you who it is, okay? It's Liv) just completed Blog Every Day April last night.

Another (who SHALL remain nameless - I can't give you EVERYTHING) completed Vlog Every Day April (just. There were a couple of nail-biting moments).

I was impressed by the dedication they were both able to show to completing this task!

I've often been tempted by concepts such as this - last year I did Nanowrimo, and I've oft considered B/VEDA. However, my need to assert my individuality has stopped me thus far, because EVERYONE IS DOING IT.

And so, in that spirit, and with a cheeky "Screw you all, I'm Nick Jones", I give to you Blog Every Day MAY.

I wonder if I'll get arrested for copyright infringement? That's right - this blog may be illegal. Oh yeah. 'cause that's how I roll.