Saturday, January 3, 2009

People try to shut me d-d-down,
Just 'cause my musings get around,
Old folks act like total noobs,
Get off the net: you block the tubes!

Why don't you all d-d-disconnect,
And don't try and grok our d-d-dialect,
I'm not tryin' to cause a big s-s-sensation,
I'm just bloggin' 'bout my generation.

The Summer Of 69ing...

[Pre-amble: yes, the title is a pun on the Bryan Adams song "Summer of '69". However did you guess?]

Ah, summer. Time of the summer romance, so called because it is a romance that occurs in summer. Well duh, what did you expect?

I speak of the summer romance since by far the largest thing that has happened since last we spoke is that I am now in a relationship with this girl, who I love. She never ceases to make me smile with her creativity and her all round wack-ness. And for some reason this beautiful, intelligent person is going out with a schmock (thank you to my Jewish relatives for that term) like me. Funny how things turn out, eh? But I wouldn't change it for the world.

So what's news? Christmas came around once again, bringing with it a tide of cheap, commercialised sentiment and appropriate Hallmark Cards. I did quite well this year - my two favorite presents being a 16GB iTouch, and Guitar Hero World Tour, which has had the net result of improving both my drumming prowess, and my ability to ignore people fo large periods of time.

The little-people woke me insanely early in their quest for presents, and although their approaches are naturally very cute, there is a certain time of morning when I will NOT move, come hell, high water, or Jessica Alba in the nude. Unfortunately, it was this time at which they chose to wake me.

I also had a prolonged discussion with my sister about what Christmas meant. She's five, and already understands a hell load more than I did at her age. She's also quite good at Guitar Hero. I am SO getting her one of these.

About a week later was the 18th. Not, like, the date (which was clearly not the case), but my 18th - 18 years since I clawed my way out of my mother's womb. I spent New Year's Eve at Thor's (it's not a club, I seriously have a friend called Thor), and despite the absence of Bethany, who would have made the evening perfect, it was actually rather fun, although Thor didn't make good on the promise to join us in a drink of champaigne at midnight (lies! All lies! When will the lies end?).

My actual 18th was a laid back affair (to be honest, we did NOTHING, and then went out for dinner at Lygon Street, where we ran into comedian Eddie Perfect, taking a night off from "Shane Warne, The Musical"). I got some very nice books, DVDs, and some very useful vouchers.

Oh, that's the other thing. For Christmas my cousins gave me Seasons One of "Boston Legal", and then for my birthday Season Two. They sure as hell got that one right! "DENNY CRANE!"

I was going to post some New Year's Resolutions, but since I really don't believe that the will ever last more than a week before being discarded (and because everyone else is), I won't. Suffice to say I definitely want to spend more time with Bethany, who is my muse. I do love her.

Au Revoir, and I will update more frequently (I've just been busy!),