Friday, May 15, 2009

#15 - And it's on time! *gasp*

The reason it's on time is because it's done at the back of my class on Friday, using the MUCH BETTER INTERNET.

Today I didn't wake up until 12, then I rode a bike to uni and was given a free pitcher of beer which, having consumed, I then proceeded to class.

I've managed to get away with slight inebriation for nearly two hours, and I think I can keep up the facade for the hour until this class ends.

So far in this lesson I have:
- isolated myself from females by calling "beauty products" "vanity products", and asking if anyone is really that vain.
- Twittered
- Youtubed
- watched BlogTv
- updated this blog
- eaten much chocolate and marshmallows
- avoided work
- admitted that I want to sell out to the "Dark Side"

Afterwards, I'm going to pedal home, get a nice glass of something expensive, and some foreign cheese, and curl up, protected from the cold and rain, to watch "Serenity". Yes, I finally found a copy of that film, and it was free.

I may also later watch "Castle". You may notice both of these have a common theme: Nathan Fillion. I am, quite probably, gay for him.

There we go - didn't expect me to admit I was gay for someone, did you?