Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In Which Nick Makes A Mistake, And Learns The Real Meaning Of Tight-Arse Tuesday...

Forgive me, Cinema, for I have sinned.

It had all the elements neccessary - the weather is crap, I have a day off and nothing to do, it's Tight-Arse Tuesday so I get a generous discount - why then must you curse me with this TRAVESTY against CINEMATOGRAPHY?

I'll start again: today, I went and saw "G.I. Joe".

I had been warned - David, of "At The Movies" gave it a fairly damning review, but, fool that I was, I thought to myself "It can't be *that* bad. He's always critical. That's his job."

I'd recieved better suggestions - I asked Twitter what I should see, and I recieved glorious praise of "Coraline". And I thought to myself "Nah, I can convince Mum to see that with me. Better pick something only *I* will want to see."

I am clearly an idiot.

I don't want to talk about what happened in the film, I'll address that, possibly, when I calm down, but I give unto you all one piece of advise: you can ignore me on everything else, but I will die happy if you DO NOT SEE THIS FILM.